RAW Images and Paint.NET


I've been making good use of the Paint.NET tool for basic photo work and felt like it was time to give it a plug. It is a well made, FREE, open-source tool, and has served me well for the past year. It also has a healthy following of users who create plugins.

If interested, download from here - https://www.getpaint.net/download.html 

After a ton of reading, experimentation, and testing ideas from the Paint.Net community, I found a combination of dlls and add-ons that allow editing of Nikon RAW images! Please note that I did not create these solutions and am not responsible for any adverse effects of using them (use them at your own risk), but I've found this combination to consistently work with NEF pictures (Nikon RAW images taken on a D5300). I've created a share of the needed files (which is a compilation of different solutions from multiple Paint.Net forum users). Do give them credit for their work!

Download these to the "FileTypes" folder - https://goo.gl/pqrzez

Then NEFs will open in Paint.NET!

Hope it helps someone!




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