The Place No One Goes,

I'd observed a somewhat picturesque stream heading off into a wooded area on a road close to my house. I should've taken the early warning signs of "intruding trees" blocking the unfettered view I was after. I slipped down into the space, which I quickly realized was not so much a "wood land" as it was a "swamp land". No matter, I had told myself. I'm the adventuring sort. I managed a few shots, but didn't want to turn back without at least checking the area some. My way was quickly cut off by an offshoot stream that was too wide to step over. 

I doubled back and attempted to explore from the other side of the stream. Different from the far side, this one was so thick with bushes, thorns, and other plant life that I couldn't get through standing up. I hadn't found my way a quarter mile before getting tired and pushing towards the stream for a few more photo attempts. Observing that the terrain wouldn't improve any, I gave up and turned around, conceding that I had gone far enough and would return to my car. 

Upon returning to my car, I discovered a healthy deer tick crawling on my pant leg. I flicked him off, but too much so, with it landing in my door pocket. I lost track of him and gave up trying to find him after about five minutes of searching. I re-entered my car and started driving home, keeping a cautious eye on myself. Sure enough, I saw the tick back on my pant leg. I stopped the car and more carefully kicked him out. I continued home, feeling a little better. After stopping my driveway, I re-discovered a tick in my door, meaning that two ticks had come with me. I moved and squashed the fiend and entered my house via the garage, at which point, I decided to check myself. The search yielded two more ticks, which hadn't bitten me yet. After panicking a bit and coating myself in peppermint oil (which ticks hate), I felt like at least the issue was somewhat done. Then I thought about my car.

I consulted with my unfading, stunningly beautiful wife, who helped me concoct an essential oil kill mixture to sanitize my car. I've since taken a drive without incident and feel somewhat confident that the tiny jerks have been beaten. 

If I had a playbook for how I work photography, a new chapter would open with "Never, never, never, ever, go into a swamp (with a spoken "period" for emphasis). In looking back, it was a miracle of God that not any of the ticks bit me. As it turns out, I had used peppermint oil on a previous occassion to help deal with stomach issues and recycled a shirt for this adventure (keeping the scent). 

Please continue to follow my photography and thanks so much for reading!!
  • For the full photostream of all adventures to date, please see my FLICKR FEED
  • Please see my INITIAL STORE OFFERING (which is a bit overpriced, as the print options are all for specialized formats, such as canvas or mounted printings - ***For normal photo prints, please contact me via my PHOTOGRAPHER FACEBOOK PAGE and we'll work out the specifics)
Many thanks!



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