A Return to My Beginnings

Today, I decided to return to the Hopewell Rec Center to begin the journey anew with a brand new camera (Nikon CoolPix L330)! I'll confess that it's not everything I'm after, but it's worlds better than shooting with my iPhone. It doesn't have quite the manual control I need, which I knew this going into the purchase, but it was the best upgrade I could afford with a gift card and savings. This is not to say that I'm unhappy with the camera, it's just something new to aspire to with future savings! I've enjoyed the quality of Nikon products as of late (I purchased a Nikon CoolPix S9500 for general family use) and have become a full convert from Canon (For clarity, I'm not being paid anything by Nikon to mention them).

All that aside, it was a bright and beautiful 15 deg F morning. Being that I haven't had a good daytime opportunity to test shooting with my new camera, I wanted to return to familiar ground and begin to learn how to operate this sophisticated piece of equipment. It has more controls than the iPhone, and was a bit tricky to navigate, given my frozen fingers. I faced the same challenge with the batteries failing to produce sufficient current \ amperage in the extreme cold, causing the camera to shut off. I was able to bring the camera back to life with an extended hug under my coat (Anyone have any tips for shooting in the deep cold?). It's experiences like this that make me think about being alone in a freezing forest, but what's adventure without a little edge to it?

It does have some limitations, but I fell in love with the macro feature and had such fun testing it out on various objects. Once I can straighten out how to best leverage the other features, I'll be returning to my historical endeavors.

On a note of personal accomplishment, my application to iStock (http://www.istockphoto.com) was accepted. In addition to Flickr, I'll be posting some images for sale (http://www.istockphoto.com/portfolio/klinnowar#bdc2dc6).

For the rest of today's adventure, please have a hop over to my Flickr feed - https://www.flickr.com/photos/129003675@N04/?fb_action_ids=10204638576418204&fb_action_types=flickr_photos%3Ashare&fb_ref=w. Thanks so much!


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