Working Around the House

The learning continues! For some things, I've tried shooting the same image under different settings to get a sense of how much exposure is utilized (which affects how fast the picture is snapped). Also, the Auto white-balance seems a just a hair off, so I've taken to manually setting it as I go. The results do come out better that way.

I really wanted to try something new today and continue to challenge myself. While I enjoy photographing inanimate objects that don't move even if I ask them to, I wanted to try capturing some people, so I enlisted the help of my kids. It's a little tricky photographing children who appear to be jumping through space and time against the laws of physics, but I manged to sneak in a few snaps and learned some new things along the way.

For anyone who is missing the historical journey, please don't worry! Provided the weather isn't trying to freeze my camera, I'll be "back in the field" next weekend. Today just seemed like a good day to stay inside and practice, without subjecting myself to the extremities of winter (Plus, it's REALLY funny watching my kids trying to figure how to the pet the cat without her noticing them).

To see the rest of today's learning experience, please see my Flickr feed -
Thanks so much!


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